
Hi, I'm Vitalie Cherpec and I'm founder of this project. I'm a coder and sysadmin, I have a vast experience as a sysadmin (since 1998) and as a programmer (many years in game development and web development industry).


I was a happy user of a free DNS hosting service for many years, when this service was acquired by a competitor in august 2011, I was forced to move somewhere else.

While migrating my zone files I realized that I don't like Bind syntax files neither administering tens of domains through a web interface. I've started to experiment on how it should look a perfect DNS service for me. I've realized that I would love to store my configuration files in a Git repository and I would need some configuration language for templating (Lua).

This is how LuaDNS was born on October, 2011.


We provide a set of 4 Anycast name servers distributed across the globe in 20 POPs (point of presence) accessible via IPv4 and IPv6:

Anycast Network Map

Currently 20 POPs (point of presence) in USA, Europe, Africa, Asia & Australia.


This service was built using the following open source technologies: