Feb 10 2012

LuaDNS is live!

Posted by Vitalie Cherpec

Hello everyone!

After months of coding fun, tens of coffee cups, we have finally launched LuaDNS! Managing DNS zones it's not boring anymore.

LuaDNS is a managed DNS service which is built differently than traditional services. When dealing with many domains and records it's very hard to read/edit Bind syntax files or to manage them through a web interface. With the power of Git and the Lua language managing tens and hundreds of domains it's easy and fun.

We are offering a free plan with 3 domains, just sign up for a free account and push your DNS zones with Git.

Name servers:

  • ns1.luadns.net (Germany)
  • ns2.luadns.net (Netherlands)
  • ns3.luadns.net (CA, USA)
  • ns4.luadns.net (NY, USA)

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